Hamley Bridge Community & Sports Centre
Stockport Rd, Hamley Bridge


Hamley Bridge Community & Sports Centre
Stockport Rd, Hamley Bridge

Match Times

These are at the same time each week on Saturdays.

Under 11’s & Under 8’s  @ 9.30am
Under 14’s  @ 10.20am
Under 17’s  @ 11.25am,
B Grade @ 1.00pm
A Grade @ 2.45pm


The Hamley Bridge Football Club (HBFC) is an Aussie Rules Club based in the Adelaide Plains Football Association, South Australia. We are a small town with a population of 600 and are situated one hour north of the centre of Adelaide.

Our club fields five teams in the A'Grade, B'Grade, Senior Colts, under 17's, Junior Colts (under 14's), Modifieds (under 11's) and Auskick program.

We welcome new players, supporters and sponsors to our club!